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Friday 19 February 2016


Saturday, February 20, 2016

And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability (capacity)” (Math 25:15)

In Christianity and in life there are definite laws that if engaged are sure to produce result 100 percent of the times. Today I speak about capacity as a law that commands a blessing. There are many ways of attracting blessings to your life even without asking for them.

You don’t need to go get a bag to gather ants, all you need to do is create a condition, may be of sugar, that invokes the presence of ants, and they will show up in no time. Nothing happens by accident; even favor comes on the strength of the obedience of a definite spiritual law.

The law of capacity is thus, “the sacrifice/desperation/ability/ skill you place on your altar, of necessity, compels a proportional blessing even without a request.” God’s word said in our highlight that the king gave unto the servants talents according to their capacity/ability

Just like money, you don’t chase it you attract it by value. You don’t need to always chase blessings create a platform that commands it in. Create a capacity. The old patriarchs understood this, they never invoked the presence of God until there was sacrifice on the altar.

We celebrate Solomon as a man that found favor in the sight of God, that’s true, but he engaged a definite spiritual law that commanded/ invoked the favor of God. Scriptures said he loved God with all his heart and 1kings 3:4 showed us that Solomon offered a Thousand Burnt Offerings!

Oh he was not lucky; he invoked the presence of God by a sincere but notable sacrifice. How many persons in the Old Testament offered a thousand sacrifice for God at once out of just love? God was so moved and so he asked, “What do you want?” Your sacrifice compels a blessing!

Capacity is stature not just command a blessing but to sustain a blessing. The anointing could be a disaster if a man have not sustained the ability to manage it, the anointing can kill. A wise son would create the capacity for his next level, garnish his altar with praise and sacrifices…

SELAH: Don’t get carried away in a wild chase, build Capacity!

Have a great weekend. Good morning!