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Thursday 14 January 2016

Save Our Soul!

Friday, 15th January, 2016

“But thou, O LORD, art a Shield for me; my Glory, and the Lifter of mine head” (Ps 3:3)

Frustration in spirituals is calculated thus- distance from God multiplied by time. A fish separated from water is death on the go. Man’s habitat is the glory, it has been so from creation.

David saw God as his Sun (glory), Shield (defender) and Uplifter, characteristics that showed David’s helplessness. Man is helpless without the creator. He was created in the image of God, meaning he can only find himself in God, he does not know himself unless he knows God.

Everything created can only survive in the glory, once taken away from the glory it dies. It doesn’t appear to die immediately because of absorbed glory, but with time it fades. This is the number one cause of decrease in mortality age/ diminished life span.

Earth is a dying place. Nature has been diminishing in quality from the fall of man. It fact it has become unbearable that some plants and animals have gone extinct, some species are endangered, in response there are all kinds of laws, interbreeding, preservation, among others.

Animals will still go extinct until glory comes. The sun is bleeding, dying very fast. The order of creation keeps collapsing. Animals once submitted to man because of the Glory of God around man, when they saw man, they saw God. Until they see that glory, they won’t submit. (But by Jesus, we are changed if we believe)

The entire creation mourns the absence of the glory. It is high time we understood that man is only an apple plucked from God. Moses understood this and he sought the glory with his life, crying to God for his presence and glory.

The ripple effect of this is seen in Deut 34:7, Moses attained a realm called immortality. Immortality in one sense is a degree of absorbed glory. This is an apostolic call to the place of intimacy with God, until he revives us again.

SELAH: You never came to life until God breathe into you, how dare you think you can survive without his breath (His Spirit, His Life)?
