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Tuesday 12 January 2016

The New Covenant

Hebrews 8:9-11
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

“…For all shall know me, from the least to the greatest” (11)

Oh how easily we get carried away by “new waves” of the Spirit and soon we forget the real essence of the new covenant, the real WHY, Jesus died.

Here is the response of an average believer in the 21st century
Why did Jesus die? “To save us from sin” Why did he save us from sin? Two answers
First, “So we can go to heaven” Why heaven and not earth? ….
Second, “So that we can be like him” Why? ….

In other for man to live effectively he must understand where he is coming from and where he is going to. Man must also understand precisely what he lost or better put what he had; who he once was, his initial purpose, inter alia, otherwise he would only be in a hot chase for shadows.

Scriptures was very precise from our reference that God’s desire in the new covenant is that we know him (his personality) and his words (thinking pattern, ways). And so the word became flesh so that we might know him, he died so that we might have access forever, to the end of knowing him.

One of the prophesies that went ahead of Christ was that he would be “the repairer of the breach, the restorer of paths to dwell in”. We often cry, “show us the ancient paths”, the ancient path is simply Intimacy and the things the ancient did under the influence of intimacy with God.

There will be a lot of surprises in heaven as men would meet a different God from whom they were taught. In the New Testament, God’s ultimate priority is to be known. This is His dire target in the last time, not even signs and miracles. When you know Him everything falls in line.

Now the Psalmist said, “You are worthy O Lord, for you have created all things for your pleasure” Have you ever tried to demystify the operation by which God derives pleasure from man? God derives ultimate pleasure from man when same knows him, just like when a man knows his woman.

The PILOT Devotionals

Have a blessed day. Good morning!