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Saturday 30 January 2016

Whats My Tomorrow?

Sunday, January 31, 2016

“Now the just shall live by faith” (Heb 10:38)

Maybe you once sat in a lonely place and wondered where your life was heading. Sometimes you would pause and ask yourself certain ground shaking questions; “What does my tomorrow holds?” “How would I get there?” “Would I ever get there?” “How soon would I get there?”

Or perhaps you sometimes get to the edge and question your very purpose for living, “Maybe I was not called to do this” You see, our environment was not faith designed.

The News headlines are more often than not New Tragic Headlines. The publicity of causalities, tragedy, failures, chaos, crime, inter alia, have long out ran the publicity of success and achievement. The campaign of evil have camped in our minds, and we have become campaigners of same.

Family, friends and colleagues often don’t help. More people disbelieve you than believe you. Motivation is hardly found (well you have to create it). Positivity is found in deep wells; for if a man were to live by sight, the more he sees the closer he comes to his grave.

Heart attack, high blood pressures, frustrations, madness, and so on are inevitable gifts that come by seeing and hearing the realities of this realm. The media announces cancer, HIV Aids, laser fever, Ebola, malaria, and then you just come to the conviction that the world is an evil place with man as an endangered species, and of course you are that man.

God knew this and so he gave a grand formula for joy and fulfillment, he said, don’t live by sight, the just shall live by faith. Don’t live by looking into the world and its tragedies, live by looking unto Jesus. Don’t fill your mind with tragic stories, get filled with the spirit and the word

But it’s difficult to live everyday by faith. To see the natural tragic ends of things and believe you would be an exception. To see unemployment, high mortality rate, poverty and think you would be an exception when nothing in you proves you better than its daily victims…

To achieve purpose I give you a formula, First, Prepare for tomorrow with all your strength. You dream to be great, but if you are placed in that position, do you think you would fit in? Second, Wait on God, favor is when preparation meets opportunity. The just shall live (daily) by faith.

SELAH: Tomorrow may not appear rosy, today pro’ly isn’t, but Jesus is, so look to him
SELAH: When it comes to purpose, faith is preparation
